Saturday, 28 June 2008

Our hearts' desire

I was pondering on Psalm 37 verse 4 recently. It reads:

Delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I've sometimes thought that it sounds a bit dangerous! For instance, will he give me that new car I desire? But it occurred to me that it might mean he will give us the desires he wants us to have. Then there will be no problem for God to then give us those things that our hearts desire, as they are in line with what he wants us to desire. If that makes sense! It does to me!

Blisters and cut hands

You know those so-called "blister packs" that stuff like printer ink cartridges come in? The ones that are almost impossible to open and you normally end up with cut hands on the sharp plastic edges as you try to rip them open? As we get our printer inks from WH Smith, I wrote to complain about the packaging when they changed to these packs from a simple box. Of course, they have done nothing about the packaging, but now we always ask a member of staff to open the pack for us! The ink is still securely wrapped. This, I have to say, they happily do. I suggest you try it there and anywhere else they sell stuff in those type of packs. Just ask the member of staff how you are supposed to open it, and could he show you.

Anyway, it's full marks to WH Smith and less marks on my hands!

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

On the News

I've just watched the 6 o'clock news. David Cameron was on giving his view of a Conservative NHS. One item was to enable someone to go to any hospital in the country for their treatment. That's interesting because as I understand it, that's what we were able to do before the last conservative overhaul of the NHS. Then because of 'contracts' and goodness knows what else, that became no longer possible.

So the good news is we are back where we were 30 years ago! Will Mr. Cameron admit they got it wrong?

Then it was reported that Sir Alan Sugar may stand as labour candidate for London Mayor in 2012. So could we possibly hear those words, "Boris, you're fired!"

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

What's in a name?

A couple of months back I blogged about the late night London News and the fact that Louisa Preston ends with, "Enjoy the rest of your evening" (see )

I've noticed of late she doesn't say that anymore. Do you think she reads my blog??? Well, she might just type her name into a search engine and see what it comes up with!

Actually, have you done that with your name? Go on, admit it! I did and found I was a character in a Star Trek (TNG) novel! I am a famed exologist! I actually went & bought a second hand copy of the book off the internet for 1p (plus postage of course!) But then I am a bit of a Trekkie...

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Where do we go?

My apologies for not having blogged for such a long time. At least one person has complained - so that's good!

A week or so ago at our Sunday evening worship service, a phrase that came up on the screen caught my eye:

"Help me to go to the cross & not to go with the crowd."

It ties up with other recent blogs of mine. When something goes wrong, or life becomes difficult, it's easier to go with the crowd and have feelings of bitterness, resentment, jealousy or even revenge. The challenge is to take those feelings to the cross, give them over to Jesus and leave them there. Otherwise those negative feelings master us and change us for the worse (look up Genesis 4:6-7 in the Bible). It's always ourselves who are the losers!