Saturday, 29 August 2009

The Future of Transportation

We've just received a leaflet through the door about sert, which stands for "South Essex Rapid Transit". You may be forgiven for thinking it's people of Basildon who've eaten too many of those "friendly bacteria".

But actually it's a a tram service, but without the tracks. Or, if you like, a bus service running (partly) on dedicated roads. Sounds a good idea, until they break down - then they are presumably know as a "dead sert".

If I've whetted your appetite for sert, there's a video about it on their web site. Go to

Friday, 28 August 2009

Out of reach ...

The cupboards in the kitchen are higher than in our previous house, so we have bought one of those stools to stand on. In the Argos catalogue there was one in a nice off-white colour, so we ordered it. When we picked it up, it wasn't quite that colour as you can see from the picture!

As with anything, it comes with the mandatory safety warnings (the yellow label in the picture). It says, "Do not attempt to move the step while you are on it." As the wheels retract when you stand on it, it's difficult to see how you could possibly move it whilst on the stool.
It also says, "Always maintain two feet on the base during use." So now I'm puzzled. How do you get on it in the first place if you've got to have both feet on it all the time? I've got it, run up to it and jump onto it!
Oh, no! The last warning is "Never jump onto the step".

It's no good! We'll have to return it to Argos. Maybe they can explain how to use it and still keep to all the safety warnings. Or maybe they can't ...

Apologies to Loyal Readers

First of all my apologies to all those loyal readers out there who have noticed my lack of blogging recently.

My excuse is we have moved home, to Laindon, into the church house (known in Baptist circles as the Manse). It has been a traumatic time, trying to find a place for everything AND having the gas cut off. That's another story, which I'll tell you about another time.

I'm pleased to say we are in a cable area, so we are back with Virgin media, after 18 or so months with BT (say no more!). Virgin are much more friendly. I phoned up to get cable installed and did NOT have to wait in a queue. In fact "Geoff" answered, sorted it all out and left me a number which took you straight through to their office. When I did ring the number, I left a message asking Geoff to ring me back, and within an hour he did! Other large companies with call centres please note!!

But perhaps Virgin go a bit over the top in their friendliness, when the official letter you get from them to confirm everything is entitled, "Well hello there!" In it they tell me if I want to know more, "just take a peek at the leaflet we've tucked away with this letter."

But we mustn't complain about that - better than the 'stiff' letters from some other organisations, so generally it's a well done to Mr. Branson.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Money to money - at a price

I happened to notice in Tesco's one of those change counter machines. You pour in your miscellaneous coins and it counts them for you. It said on the machine, "Turn your coins into cash". Am I missing something? I always thought coins were cash already! The irony is, they charge you 7.9 pence in the pound for the privilege of having your coins counted. So it's in fact turn your cash into cash and lose 7.9% in the process!

I ought to say if you exchange your coins for goods bought in the supermarket, then you can have the full amount back you poured in. I remember someone once said that given you can buy just about anything at Tesco's, including insurance, why not have your salary paid direct to Tesco's? Then if there's anything left over at the end of the month, they can credit it to you. Seems the logical next step ...