Sunday, 21 October 2012

A Special Day

What's special about 15 November this year?  Do you know? (be honest!)

Well, in case you didn't know, let me tell you.  It's election day, not for MP's, MEP's or local councillors.  No, it's to elect your local Police and Crime Commissioner.  If you knew that, no doubt you know who you will be voting for.  I'm looking up the web site for my candidates so I can decide ... Oh dear!  We can't find out until 26 October.  Still, only six days to go ... I'm not sure I can contain my excitement!

Seriously though, why, after nearly 300 years since Sir Robert Peel did his stuff, do we now need these Commissioners?  I've no idea, and that's after watching the advert telling me to vote!

By the way, the elections are estimated to cost £75 million.  And I thought we were in a recession!  It just goes to prove that the government will spend money on what they want to spend it on, whatever the size of the national debt.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Harvest Festival at Sainsbury's

This weekend Sainsbury's are suggesting customers buy an extra food item and then donate it after checkout into one of their "Million Meal Appeal" collecting boxes.  This is to give meals to disadvantaged people in the UK through the charity FareShare.

Of course churches have been doing this for decades!  It's called Harvest Festival and most churches encourage people to bring tins and packets of food which are donated to a local charity who helps the homeless or other vulnearble people in our society.

So, well done Mr Sainsbury in catching up to what Christians have been doing for ages.

Hang on minute!  This is all good profit for Sainsbury's!  I have an idea.  Buy a tin of something at another supermarket (preferably one of their own brand items) and whip into Sainsbury's and put it in their collecting box.  They can't complain as it's going to a good cause, can they?