Monday, 22 August 2011

Compelling Reason for Cutting carbon

They say it's the "silly season" in August concerning the news; i.e. nothing much is happening so news stories bordering on the ridiculous get 'aired'. However, with what's happened in the UK recently and what's happening now in places like Libya and Syria, one can't say there's little news around.

Even so, I read last Friday that there's a new compelling reason for cutting our carbon emissions and this is from a report from no less than Nasa.

And the reason is - to lessen the danger of alien attack!

They surmise that as global warming on our planet can be observed from outer space, there just could be alien races out there looking at what's happening to our planet, and they just may be ecologically aware and decide to destroy us before we destroy our planet.

So, two things to learn from this:

1. Cut down your carbon footprint;

2. Learn to say "I'll take you to our leader" in as many languages as possible.

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