Friday 14 May 2010

Hung or Balanced

Some journalists and commentators have said that the people of Britain voted for a hung parliament. No they didn't! If they voted for the Tory candidate, they did so because the they wanted a Tory government. Similarly for Labour voters. It may be that Lib Dem voters wanted a hung, or 'balanced' (as Nick Clegg preferred to call it) parliament, but they weren't in the majority.

The general view has been that a balanced parliament is not a good thing. We need a "strong" parliament, so we are told. But do we? A strong parliament means the majority party can push through their nutty right- or left-wing (depending on their colour) policies.

What we have are what I would call 'measured' decisions, to be made by our coalition.

If this coalition works (and that's a big 'if'!), could they change things so I could actually vote for a coalition next time?

Presumably that would be much more likely to happen with a PR system. And that's why, of course, the two main parties don't want it, and the Lib Dems sooooo do!

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