Monday 23 August 2010

Arachnophobics, don't read this.

On Friday morning Chris Evans mentioned "wing mirror spiders" on his show on Radio 2. I remember having one of them a few years ago, but not recently.

But blow me! Later that day I went out, and as I drove off, I saw I had a wing mirror spider also! So there I was, driving slowly down the road, but even so, the web was 'vibrating' madly! But he didn't want to run off and hide behind the mirror! However, reality kicked in and I began to concentrate on the road.

And soon I had forgotten about the spider and it was 60 mph down the Southend Arterial Road, and come to think of it, I haven't seen it since...

But in the evening, I noticed a larger spider in his web behind the loo at home! I ask you, how many flies will he catch there? My wife, armed with her just purchased loo brush (actually there was nothing wrong with the old one, why spend out a whole 39p on a new one?) managed to "sweep" it up, but did it get washed down the plug hole of the wash basin or did it get away?

I think it got away. Or, it's another one that's just spun its web by the computer. I think there is even less likelihood of a decent lunch there.

It's a pity really, I don't like to think of the poor thing staving to death.

P.S. to this blog - 39p loo brushes available from IKEA.

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