At the weekend there was a Pentecost Festival in Central London. On the Saturday we went up to London and had a great day. The good weather helped a lot, of course! There were load of free attractions. My wife attended a Christian fashion show and a make-up demonstration whilst I went to a more serious lecture about God and Darwin (fewer people at that than at the fashion show, it has to be said!).
We listened to music on a boat moored on the Thames (and ate our lunch). There was more open air music at the bandstand in Embankment Gardens and on the open air stage at Leicester Square. We also went to a small cafe in Soho where Viz-a-Viz theatre company were performing. There was loads more happening. Incidentally, we had a cup of tea outside the National theatre on the South Bank where there's a giant three piece suite, table and lamp stand! See picture below. I'm not sure why they are there, but at least you don't have to tell the kids to stop climbing on the furniture!
There were also ticketed events and we went to hear Adrian Plass in the evening. A good way to round off a very enjoyable day. Well done to the organisers of it, and it must have needed a great deal of organisation! It was, apparently a dream of Rob Frost to have such a festival, and I look forward to next year - as long as the weather is as good!
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