Monday 22 June 2009

Why is it?

Why is it that when someone wakes up from a nightmare in a film, they always sit bolt upright? No-one ever does in reality, do they? Least of all if the nightmare is about a dodgy broadband connection!

And why is it that in a TV crime drama, when the title role policeman turns up at the murder scene, the pathologist has beaten him there by quite some time and is able to give a verbal report immediately? I mean, the policeman was on duty and the pathologist was only on call ...

Why is it that after I sweep and then wash the floor, half an hour later I see more dirt sitting on the floor? Where does it come from?

And now a "Why was it?" We travelled down Ongar Road on Friday morning to find ourselves held up by temporary traffic lights due to road works. However, the road works were almost complete and when we went down the road later in the day, as I thought, the road was completely open. HOWEVER, the traffic lights were still there and working! So traffic was dutifully stopping for oncoming traffic, even though the whole road was clear! How bizarre was that??

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