Tuesday 18 November 2008

No need to unblock the chimney after all ...

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I often am at the lengths some parents go to ensure their children don’t find out the terrible truth the father Christmas doesn’t actually exist. No, he doesn’t! Sorry if I’ve shattered your illusions but it had to happen sometime! You don't have to unblock the fireplace for 24 December!

Actually, I think we should not bring up our children to believe in Father Christmas and here are three reasons why.

Firstly, the fact is that we are lying to them. We tell our children not to tell lies, and then by stringing them along about Father Christmas we are in fact lying to them. It doesn’t seem to me to be a very good example to set to our children

Secondly, what about Jesus? When they find out that Santa is only a myth, what about the other story that comes out at Christmas, the one about the baby Jesus born in a stable? Isn’t that a myth also? If Father Christmas doesn’t really exist, why should Jesus? As I’m a firm believer that Jesus did and does exist, I don’t want children’s beliefs prejudiced by the mythical Father Christmas.

Finally, we give our children presents because we love them. Why do we assign away our love to an imaginary figure from Lapland? Our children need to know in as many ways as possible that we love them. So tell them the presents you bought them are from you!

End of rant! But do think on …

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