Thursday 12 February 2009

Now or Later?

I've just received my AA membership renewal request. "What's wrong with that?" you may ask. Well, the letter is dated 3 February, yet the renewal date is 1 April. The letter is headed "It's time to renew your AA membership". To which I respond, "No it isn't! I've got seven weeks to go and I'm not lending you my subscription interest free to you for that amount of time!"

I did once complain to them about this and they said people liked to pay early. I suspect what they meant was, many people pay when they receive the reminder, so they assumed they liked to pay early. It's more likely they don't notice the actual renewal date, or they are scared they will forget about it if they don't do it straight away (but no need to worry, they send out a reminder nearer the time if you haven't paid).

So my renewal notice will go in the "action needed some time in the future".

Nice try, AA! But I'm keeping my money for as long as possible!

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