Saturday 4 June 2011

Detectives on TV

We watched the first episode of Scott & Bailey, the new ITV female detective duo. It began with one of them breaking up with her boyfriend and the 'angst' got worse as the story went on.

Why can't they do drama where there's a crime, which they solve, without the all calamatous personal life that seems to be compulsory these days?

Why can't they go back to the good old days with programmes like Dixon of Dock Green? Good clean police drama and no disfunctional families. I mean George Dixon used to live happily with Andy, his son-in-law, who was a detective. It was all so much simpler then.

Although, wait a minute, I hear Jack Warner has been accused of corruption ...

1 comment:

  1. You can't say that about Jack Warner, his family have taken out a super Injunction to prevent you spreading that type of rumour. Be warned "Big Brothers" watching you.

    Welcome back Eric.

    "Evening All"

    Ginge :)
