Tuesday 29 September 2009

Back to Church last Sunday

Last Sunday was "Back to Church Sunday". We had a number of visitors, there were over 60 people in our congregation, which was very encouraging. So well done to all who invited people, whether or not they did actually come! There's always another time if they didn't come!

We heard the story of Zacchaeus, read and acted out before us; about how he climbed the tree, but Jesus called him down, invited himself round to his gaff and basically changed his life. We also had a quiz on the story, the last question being the stinger - spelling Zacchaeus! Could you have spelt it correctly if you didn't have it in front of you??

If you go to church, I hope your church has as good and as encouraging a time as we did!

1 comment:

  1. Yes Eric it was a success, It was so nice to see people returning. It was a good service to. well done that man.Ginge:)
