Monday 1 February 2010

Cloned cars

I heard on the BBC news yesterday that some people who have bought what they think is a genuine legitimate second hand car (i.e. they did all the checks), find they've bought a stolen and cloned car. So, the car is imponded and they lose the money they've paid for it.

How is this happening? Easy! In 2006 the DVLA 'lost' blank car log books - maybe up to 130,000 of them. How is that for incompetence?

If this happens to you, the DVLA simply say it's not their problem. They say the car cloning is a criminal act and they cannot be held responsible for it. But is was a criminal act that led to these blank log books being stolen in the first place! And they MUST BE responsible for that! Anybody else would be!

Read about it at -

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