Monday 14 December 2009

Christmas at Church

A Baptist minister once said to me that he had to move to another church because he'd run out of ideas for things to do at Christmas! I've actually found that God has always inspired me to do something, hopefully, fairly creative each year. However, having moved church this year (NOT for the above reason, I must add!), I have plenty of resources up my sleeve - recycling at its best! Having said that, at the Beavers' carol service last week I re-told the Christmas story in a way I've not done before.

First of all, let me say I believe the Christmas story needs to be re-told each year. I know we did it last year, but that's the point of celebrating Christmas, re-telling the story, so the next generation hear it. I took along some Christmas cards and, showing them one at a time, asked them whether the picture on the front was part of the Christmas story or not. We sorted them into two piles. My favourite was one of Santa in shorts sitting on a beach! They thought it was fairly odd until I pointed out the words on the front, "Happy Christmas from down under!" It was from a friend of ours who lives in Australia.

Having discarded the cards that weren't part of the Christmas story, I then went through the rest of the cards, telling the story as I went. I also scanned in the cards, so they came up on a PowerPoint presentation, to ensure even those at the back could see them.

You need, of course, to have cards that go through the different aspects of the story. If you think it's a good idea, go through the Christmas cards you receive and keep a selection for next year (assuming you've planned your Christmas talks already for this year!).

I'm also doing a "Cracker for Jesus" on Sunday and pulling some smaller crackers on Christmas Day. I'll blog about them later - but not until I've done them - some of my congregation read this blog!

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